As part of its new virtual program model, ASAP is providing individual supply kits for students enrolled in ASAP studios in the 2020–21 school year. Each kit contains all the materials the student will need to complete all the projects in their multi-week studio; for some classes that might include more than a dozen items, in differing quantities. Assembling those kits takes many hours and attention to detail: a perfect job for high-school youth looking for volunteer service projects they can complete at home. At the beginning of the school year, ASAP organized a new, streamlined ongoing service project for Valley High School’s Silver Cord program participants. Students sign up for a week and request a quantity of kits to assemble. They pick up raw supplies on a Friday afternoon, along with instructions for what to do with them. They create the kits on their own time, at home, and return completed kits to ASAP the following week, when the next batch of students is picking up their project materials. Students get service hour credits; ASAP saves labor and time preparing kits = a mutually beneficial partnership. Even the junior high schools are getting involved: I-CARE volunteer program participants at both Stilwell and Indian Hills Junior High have prepared the supplies that the high-school students later assemble: measuring and cutting lengths of yarn; labeling kit bags; and more. ASAP is grateful for the assistance of WDMCS students and volunteer program leaders Cyndi Bonus, Erica Weeklund, and Jamie Champion!