ASAP Snack Sponsorship Program
Corporate and Group Service Opportunity

Most of us can relate to the discomfort and difficulty of trying to concentrate on work when our stomach is empty and rumbling. For children living with food insecurity, those feelings occur all too often and are a barrier to their success—but not at ASAP. Please join ASAP in promising:  No more starving artists!

Students are transported on an ASAP-chartered bus immediately after school. Most students eat lunch 4–5 hours before arriving at ASAP—they are HUNGRY. Hungry kids are impulsive, emotional, aggressive, and have trouble performing up to their potential. A critical part of ASAP kids’ experience coming downtown is enjoying a healthy, hearty snack before they begin their work in the art studios.
THIS is how YOU can help …
1.    Sign up for one or more days to sponsor ASAP snacks.
Go to
or access your meal schedule this way:
Go to
then enter Recipient Last Name: young artists   Password: asapsnacks

2.    Choose what kind of snacks you would like to provide! Suggestions are provided below, but feel free to use your imagination. Just be sure items are store-bought so ingredients can be checked for allergies.

3.    Shop, prep, and assemble 60 servings on your own time.

4.    Deliver snacks, ready to distribute, by 3:15 on the day they are needed, to St. John’s Lutheran Church, 600 Sixth Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309.

OR …
Make a cash donation of $60 per program day you wish to sponsor.

Be sure to send us your group name/corporate logo so we can thank you!

Healthy snack ideas
apples & sunflower butter  •  cheese sticks & pretzels  •  bananas, tortillas & nut spread  •  sandwiches or pinwheels   •  hummus & pita  •  veggies & tzatziki or other yogurt-based dip  •  clementines  •  granola or cereal bars  •  trail mix or Chex mix  •  oatmeal or monster cookies  •  hard-boiled eggs  •  mini bean/cheese burritos  •  grapes, cheese & crackers  •  frozen real-fruit pops  •  minibagels & cream cheese  •  muffins/pumpkin bread/quickbreads  •  applesauce  •  vanilla yogurt with fruit or granola

For more information:
Michelle Bolton King, ASAP Executive Director
515-770-3380 •

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