ASAP, the After School Arts Program, has been awarded the 2014 Governor’s Arts Award for Impact and Accessibility in the Arts. Executive Director Michelle Bolton King accepted the award from First Lady Chris Branstad and Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs Director Mary Cownie on Friday, June 6, as part of the closing ceremony of the Iowa Arts Summit, a day-long conference sponsored by the Iowa Arts Council.

The Governor’s Arts Awards recognize and honor individuals, organizations, and businesses who have had a significant impact on the vitality of the arts in Iowa. Of 65 nominations received, one award was given in each of the following categories:

  • Public Art Leadership Award — Lynette Pohlman
    Recognizes an individual, organization or business that demonstrates leadership and commitment to developing public art in Iowa
  • Collaboration and Partnership in the Arts Award — John Busbee
    Recognizes an individual, organization or business that undertakes an artistic cooperation that brings together diverse partners from within and beyond the arts community in Iowa
  • Excellence and Innovation in the Arts Award — Make Break (Cat Rocketship, Laura Palmer, and Dani Ausen)
    Recognizes an individual, organization or business that is dedicated to artistic excellence and capitalizes on new or emerging methods or trends in the arts
  • Impact and Accessibility in the Arts Award — ASAP, the After School Arts Program
    Recognizes an individual, organization or business that initiates a community-wide artistic undertaking that is broad in scope and seeks to serve a significant amount of Iowans; or, that seeks to improve accessibility to the arts for an under served target population in Iowa10336589_10152527499429783_2210311191568341561_n

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