ASAP is gearing up for the new school year and needs your help! Because of the two-fold expansion of the program this year, more volunteers than ever before are needed to serve as opening activity leaders, studio assistants, and transportation helpers.

The Fall session runs seven weeks, October 14 through December 5, with no classes the week of Thanksgiving. Opportunities to volunteer include the following:

Mondays: 3:00-5:00 @ a school in SE DsM

Tuesdays: 3:30–5:30 @ St. John’s Lutheran Church (downtown DsM)  or  3:30-5:300 @ a school in S DsM

Wednesdays: 1:00–3:00   or   1:30-3:30 @ one of two schools in S Central DsM

Thursdays: 3:30–5:30 @ St. John’s Lutheran Church (downtown DsM)  or  3:30-5:00 @ one of two schools in NW DsM

ASAP asks volunteers to commit to a full 7-week session, but we understand that not everyone can attend all seven days. We are grateful for as  much time you can give, and we also keep an active roster of substitutes. All volunteers who work directly with students must undergo a background check. For more information or to get started, please contact or call 515-770-3380.

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