ASAP will welcome students on two days per week from five elementary schools this fall: Capitol View, McKinley, Monroe, King, and Moulton. The expanded program is made possible thanks to funding from a 21st Century Learning Centers grant through the Des Moines Public Schools, an ELCA Domestic Hunger grant, and support from Principal Financial Group, Bravo Greater Des Moines, St. John’s Lutheran Church, and many generous individual donors.

Studios include Digital Photography with Teaching Artist Kristen Greteman, Music and Movement with Gateway Dance Theatre artists Penny and Lee Furgerson and Sharon Pham, Capoeira with Holly Sells and Julio Arruda Dos Santos, Storytelling with Maureen Korte, Poets Unleashed with Words and Melody, Culinary Arts with Joanna Winston, and Mixed Media Projects with Megan Clausen.

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